Would you like to support the Iron Sharpens Iron community?

If Iron Sharpens Iron has had an important impact on your life or on the life of someone you know - or you simply would like to support ISI's ministry in the Tri-Campus community - there are three important ways that you can help us succeed.

1. Prayer

Most importantly, the Iron Sharpens Iron community always needs your prayers! If you would like to support Iron Sharpens Iron in our mission to continue to spread the Gospel on Notre Dame's campus, we ask that yo would pray for God to move in our community and to strengthen, protect, and embolden all of our members to live unapologetically as followers of Christ. Thank you for supporting Iron Sharpens Iron with your faith and your prayers!

2. ND Day

To meet Iron Sharpens Iron's yearly financial needs, God moves through generous donors who contribute financially to ISI during the annual Notre Dame Day. During ND Day, a day of giving which occurs each April, the Notre Dame Family comes together to fundraise for their favorite organizations on campus. In addition to a university contribution for each unique donation at or above $5 that we receive, there are a number of fundraising challenges held throughout the day in which ISI has additional opportunities to win funds for our ministry in the upcoming year. ND Day is extremely important for ISI's ministry - Iron Sharpens Iron raises over 95% of our yearly operating expenses every ND Day, and it's the only day each year that we ask the extended Iron Sharpens Iron community for financial donations! Learn more about ND Day.

ND Day will take place on April 25-26, 2023! Please visit Iron Sharpens Iron's ND Day page and to give in support of our ministry! Thank you so much for your donations!!!

3. General Donations

If you would like to give to Iron Sharpens Iron outside of ND Day, you are always welcome to donate/pay dues online. Do you have other donations you would like to give, from hand-me-down musical equipment, to retreat supplies, or another physical contribution? If so, please reach out to - thank you for your generosity!